Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon - The Movie and the book

Here is my thoughts of the newest Twilight movie, "New Moon".  This movie was about as true to the book as Twilight was to it's book.  I think most of the changes made for a better movie but there are a few things they did in the book that should not have been done in the movie but yet the director seems to disagree with me because there they were. 

First off in the novel just before Edward left Bella he made her promise not to do anything reckless, but Bella soon finds that the only way she can feel Edward close to her is when she is in dangerous situations.  When faced with danger Edward apears to her and tries to talk her out of doing anything that might harm her.  When reading this it is exceptable because you are looking at Bella's mind but in the movie it just come across as a little hokey.  I am not sure I was prepared to see the ghost of a Vampire appear on screen.  I think it would have been better if we had just heard his voice. 

When comparing "New Moon" to "Twilight" I must say they are equally good in their own right but that "New Moon" did not have as many "magical" moments as "Twilight".  I did love the part when Victoria was running through the forest being chased by the werewolves.  The best part of the whole moive was when Edward is about to step out into the light in Italy and Bella was running to stop him.  This was my favorite part in the book and it was great to see it on screen.

I am now ready for June to get here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Brideshead Revisited

Tonight I watched Brideshead Revisited.  I had no idea what it was about.  I must say it left me wondering...  What excataly I am not sure but it made me very happy that first off I do not serve the god that they do.  My God, the One God, is not about guilting you into obeying Him.  God wants your love but He will not make you love Him.  I praise Him because I see who He is and I freely want to follow him.  Second the story made me think, what is it about forbidden love that makes a person want it?  We, as humans, want and need drama.  God made us that way but He did not intend for us to seek it in this manner.  I know that if you are looking for drama you do not have to look farther then the Bible or God's will for your life.  If you fallow what God wants in your life you will never be thirsty again.  I realized something for the first time tonight.  When Jesus was talking to the woman at the well He told her if she drank from His cup she would never be thirsty again, He was saying she craved attention, affection and life and that she could have all that- in Him.  He can be all the drama we want and need.  We don't need sin to have excitment, truly live and be loved.  All we need is God.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Whatcha reading Jessica?

Yesterday I started Dan Brown's Lost Symbol.  So far so good... if you liked any of his other writing.  Dan Brown sure can deliver a fast paced fun read that makes you feel like you are just a little smarter then you really are.  It is also a breath of fresh air from all the Vampire novels, not that I didn't read and like Twilight, but Dan Brown shows you that there are still authors out there that can write.  

It makes me wonder though, with everyone saying they don't have enough time to do the things they want, how do so many people have time to read books that are not well written or have a deep well thought out plot?  Where are the Jane Austens and Alexandre Dumas of our time?  What books will be passed down from our generation as the classics?  If Twilight is the best out there then we are an uneducated people.  Just about any 18 girl could have written those novels better then they turned out and yet they are NY Times Best Sellers.  What does that say about use? (I do mean us, as I wrote earlier I read and like the books.)

What do you think?

This peach

Today I decided to blog. Not about my cute kids but about things that make me who I am. I love being a Mom but sometime I need to talk about me and my thoughts.

I am a Georgia Peach thus the name :) I was born and raised here. I love my home but wouldn't mind living somewhere else someday.