Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon - The Movie and the book

Here is my thoughts of the newest Twilight movie, "New Moon".  This movie was about as true to the book as Twilight was to it's book.  I think most of the changes made for a better movie but there are a few things they did in the book that should not have been done in the movie but yet the director seems to disagree with me because there they were. 

First off in the novel just before Edward left Bella he made her promise not to do anything reckless, but Bella soon finds that the only way she can feel Edward close to her is when she is in dangerous situations.  When faced with danger Edward apears to her and tries to talk her out of doing anything that might harm her.  When reading this it is exceptable because you are looking at Bella's mind but in the movie it just come across as a little hokey.  I am not sure I was prepared to see the ghost of a Vampire appear on screen.  I think it would have been better if we had just heard his voice. 

When comparing "New Moon" to "Twilight" I must say they are equally good in their own right but that "New Moon" did not have as many "magical" moments as "Twilight".  I did love the part when Victoria was running through the forest being chased by the werewolves.  The best part of the whole moive was when Edward is about to step out into the light in Italy and Bella was running to stop him.  This was my favorite part in the book and it was great to see it on screen.

I am now ready for June to get here.